Support Staff
The counselor also communicates with community agencies involved in student life. In their daily efforts to help students, the counselor focuses on developing individuals' academic, career, personal, and social competencies. Each counselor has been maintaining special activities throughout the year, and each brings unique and diverse talents to the guidance program.
Individual, group, and family counseling services will be provided for William P. Kimmel Alternative School dropout prevention students and their families both on-site and in collaboration with other community resources. Parent/guardian involvement will be requested from the initial referral consideration and entrance into the program. It is hoped to continue family support through the ongoing use of parent/guardian evening programs, quarterly newsletters, requested phone conferences, and both formal and informal meetings.
Special Education
The special education program is designed to meet the individual needs of students with varying exceptionalities and support students in the general education curriculum by creating an equal educational opportunity. Students participating in the special education program are provided with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) that contains accommodations and modifications in the general education classrooms to enable academic and emotional/behavioral success. Ms. Nagle provides itinerant-level learning support and emotional support services.
The academic curriculum follows the Altoona Area School District planned courses for grade level and credit requirements. The specific subject areas are Math, Reading, English, Social Studies, Science, Health and Physical Education. Program modifications and specially designed instruction may be needed, and are individualized for each student with an IEP.
Ms. Courtney Nagle – Itinerant Learning Support and Emotional Support.
Ms. Joann Lenning- ESP
Stevens Alternative Education Building running smoothly!